

What happens in Antarctica does not stay in Antarctica. This is a fact which we collectively need to acknowledge and act upon before it’s too late. The fate of our seventh continent is in the hands of 29 decision-making nations that meet annually at the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings along with other non-voting parties. This year, the ATCM will take place in Berlin, between the 23rd of May and the 2nd of June. “Speak up for Antarctica now” is a call to action conceived to engage planetary citizens to give a voice for our only continent with no indigenous population and defend intergenerational justice. To join the movement, Sign the Petitions and demand accountability on the future of the Antarctic and, in turn, of our only planet.

have already signed the petition

Speak up to ban hydrocarbon extraction in Antarctica permanently

To meet the Paris Agreement targets of keeping global temperature increase to 2°C above pre-industrial levels by 2050, 60% of proven hydrocarbon reserves must remain in the ground. To date, this percentage does not include the abundant hydrocarbons basins of Antarctica. While their extraction is currently banned by the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, the Prohibition of Mineral Resource Activities may be dangerously challenged as of January 2048. Extracting Antarctic hydrocarbons would have devastating effects not only on the continent, but at a global scale. Sign the Petition to forever ban hydrocarbon extraction now and commit to decarbonising our global economy.

Speak up to protect 3.8 million sq km of Antarctic waters

To meet the United Nations’ pledge to protect 30% of the planet and its ocean by 2030, it is essential to establish Marine Protected Areas in the Southern Ocean. Known as the greatest planetary carbon sink due to its capacity to store 40% of anthropogenic CO2, the Southern Ocean is largely unprotected despite being home to thousands of unique different species. 26 member countries of CCAMLR (Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources) have the power to establish large marine sanctuaries in Antarctica, protecting a site equivalent to the entire European Union. Sign the Petition to secure the largest act of ocean protection in history, and safeguard biodiversity, abundance and ecosystem health, and provide resilience to climate change.

Speak up to commit to international stations in Antarctica

To ensure true scientific cooperation in the only continent devoted uniquely to peace and science, as stipulated by Article III of the Antarctic Treaty, we need to commit to international stations in our Global Commons. Only 1 out of 76 stations present on the continent to date is shared. The deregulated proliferation of stations, often built in proximity to one another to conduct similar scientific research, reflects mostly a geopolitical strategy to overtly assert territorial claims and hinders the scientific potential of Antarctic programmes by limiting the average surface area devoted to scientific laboratories to 13.5% and the scientist to staff ratio to 1:9. Sign the Petition to advocate for international station and reduce our contaminating footprint on the continent.

Join the movement

Use the hashtag #speakupforantarcticanow the conversation on social media. You can follow us on twitter @unless_org and Instagram @unless_una

Join the cause

UNLESS is a non-profit agency for change. We are determined to pursue our campaigns relentlessly but we need your help. Make a donation

Join the rally

Friday May 27th
From 12pm
At Brandenburg Gate

Organised by @unless_una in collaboration with @antarcticsouthernocean @awis4future @fridaysforfuture.de @greenpeace.de @pewenvironment @scientists4future @umwelthilfe

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